Urban Cowgirl Designs

Urban Cowgirl Designs - Unique Designer Jewelry By Donna R Amstutz

ABOUT THE STONE DESCRIPTIONS: Scientific studies have shown that crystals do indeed hold both heat and electricity and can also focus light energy. People's experiences of stone energies vary. Even experts disagree on the impact of different stones. The descriptions provided suggest how the majority of experts think the stones may be used to enhance consciousness, emotions, health, or spiritual growth. To learn more, I suggest you look at "The Book of Stones" by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian or "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" by Judy Hall. You might also look online at peacefulmind.com. But remember, your own experience will be your best guide to how these stones interact with your own energy!

I suppose my fascination with beads began as a very young child, when I listened to my grandmother tell stories about a young Native-American girl named Tonka. Tonka was a creative and adventurous young girl, who was as much at home on her buckskin pony as she was making jewelry. I remember my grandmother describing the beads Tonka used and how she decided which beads to include in the necklaces she made.  The feel of beads has always inspired me. I have enjoyed taking classes in bead-weaving, a technique used by women all over the world.  Beading has been a hobby and a meditative practice for many years.  A few years ago,  I made a necklace of semi-precious stones and was amazed that I could actually feel the energy of the stones.  As I researched ideas about the "healing" qualities of these stones, different images emerged, and this unique jewelry collection is a result.  My day job is a private practice in clinical psychology.  Wholeness and harmony are concepts that have been the cornerstones of my work.  Beading and time with my horse have helped to bring both into my life.  If you purchase a piece of my jewelry, I hope it will inspire you to pursue wholeness and harmony in your own life.        Donna R Amstutz